Purpose School Strong


Over the past 15 years in Physiotherapy, we have begun to see an alarming trend: Back pain in kids presenting from ages as young as 11. This is an environmental fault, with gaming and social media use keeping kids seated for longer periods.


Purpose School Strong is designed to give your child an increase in body awareness and prepare them for growing into their adult body. It will give them knowledge to take them physically through whichever path they choose: The arts, sport, trade, office work... LIFE!

Purpose School Strong Details

Starting with a free education session provided by your school, Purpose School Strong offers 4 appointment packages delivered over a 10 week period where we will teach your kids the fundamentals of good bodily biomechanics.

Location: Purpose Physiotherapy Woonona
Cost: $370 (health fund rebatable)
Extras: These classes are designed to keep your kids injury free and continue the education learnt in our Purpose School Strong Program.